The Charles Lea Center’s Transitions program started almost a decade ago with a mission to help people with developmental disabilities live more independently in the community. Since, our staff has been invited to speak at conferences across the country and Canada to share how we have been able to successfully incorporate Transitions into our Supported Living Program.
Living independently is different for everyone thus we have implemented a wide range of supports in all of our homes and apartments. We recognize that everyone’s needs are different thus we customize supports as needed. These include (but are not limited to) the following:
Cameras – Only found in common areas; these are used only in emergency situations.
Telehealth – Those served can easily connect with medical professionals via electronic device(s).
Night Monitoring – Staff checks in as needed via electronics at night.
Sensors – We utilize a wide-range of sensors that set-off alerts for staff as needed. These include (but are not limited to), panic sensors, which can be worn around someone’s neck; motion sensors, which set-off an alert if someone leaves their bed for an extended period of time and door/window sensors, which set-off an alert if left open and also to alert staff of comings/goings.
iPods/iPads – The uses for these are as varied as the individual and can be set-up for voice or touch. Some of the uses include (but are not limited) helping individuals open/close doors remotely, setting their own house temperature and turning on/off TVs and selecting their own channels.
Anthony's Story
Just as technology is evolving, so are we. There’s nothing that makes us smile more than seeing someone’s confidence soar as they can now live imore indepedently. Or the satisfaction someone gains who can now adjust the temperature in his house, by himself, and turn on the TV, by herself.
CLC Success Story – Watch Anthony’s journey to learn how he made the transition to independent living.