Charles Lea Center

How to Get Services

How to Get disability services spartanburg sc

To access the range of services provided by the Charles Lea Center in Spartanburg, sc, it is necessary to have an active case with the South Carolina Department of Disabilities and Special Needs (SCDDSN). Upon establishing an open case, a selected Case Manager will guide you through the available services, assisting in enrollment to ensure you receive the most suitable program for your specific needs.

Applying For disability services spartanburg sc

The first step in starting services is to contact the SC DDSN, which provides services for children and adults with severe, lifelong disabilities. There are seven distinct categories of eligibility:

To be eligible for SC DDSN services, you must reside in South Carolina and be confirmed by SC DDSN to meet criteria.

Getting Started

If you, or a loved one, are interested in having a Case Manager and an open case with SC DDSN, call one of the following appropriate intake numbers and then follow the process outlined below.


Call and leave a message indicating your desire to open a case.

A representative will call back within a few days and complete an over-the-phone screening. If the screening supports preliminary eligibility, a Care Coordinator will be assigned to complete the intake process. During this screening, be prepared to spend about 15 minutes on the call and answer the following:

If the person is found eligible, their records will be forwarded to the Case Manager of your choice.

NOTE: The Charles Lea Center provides Case Management services, and you can specify the Charles Lea Center.

The Case Manager will contact you and together you will determine the best course of action and develop the best plan for services.

Please remember, once eligible, the individual will need to be placed on the waiver waiting lists for services.