Independent Living Skills
Now Welcoming Referrals for Our New Service: Independent Living Skills
Do you or someone you care about need assistance in developing skills for independent living?
We are here to help! Through the Charles Lea Center’s new service, Independent Living Skills, our dedicated and experienced staff provides one-on-one support to enhance these vital skills.
We adopt a person-centered approach to offer comprehensive assistance to individuals, their support networks, service providers, and others by incorporating the following:
- Innovative solutions
- Thorough assessments
- Purposeful engagement and support
- Strategic technical assistance
By utilizing these services, we aim to empower those we assist to gain greater independence in the following areas and ultimately reach their goals of living independently.
- Effective communication skills
- Community involvement and mobility
- Strong interpersonal relationships
- Reducing or eliminating challenging behaviors
- Self-care capabilities
- Sensory and motor development for practical skills
For more information, please reach out to us.